一个SVSP domain with 2 DPM pairs on stretched domain的配置,一个production site配置了一个EVA 8400和一个P6300,另外DR site也配置了一个EVA 8400和一个P6300。
在SVSP里面的所有LUN都配置为sync mirror.
在production data center,EVA 8400 storage pool里的虚拟磁盘会和DR site的EVA 8400同步。
现在的问题是,如何ZONE backend storage?
选项1: Zone the EVA 8400 and P6300 in the production data center to DPM Pair 1 all EVA & P6300 Port 1’s and Ports 2’s will be zoned to Quad 1 & 2 and Ports 3 & 4 will be zoned to Quad 3 & 4, then zone the other EVA 8400 and P6300 in the DR data center to DPM Pair 2 the same way.
选项2: Zone the EVA 8400’s to DPM Pair 1 Ports 1 & 2 to Quad 1 & 2 and Ports 3 & 4 to Quad 3 & 4, then zone the P6300’s to DPM Pair 2 the same way.
选项3: Zone the EVA 8400’s Ports 1 & 2 to Quad 1 & 2 on DPM Pair 1 then zone Ports 3 & 4 to Quad 1 & 2 on DPM Pair 2, then zone the P6300 Ports 1 & 2 to Quad 3 & 4 on DPM Pair 1 and Ports 3 & 4 to Quad 3 & 4 on DPM Pair 2.
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我也倾向于Option 1, 但是需要注意每对DPM pair都必须能够看到所有的array.
从楼主地描述来看,option 1里面,针对production site你配置了DPM Pair 1可以访问所有arrays, 而DPM pair 2只能访问到DR site的arrays (我理解假设pair是一个stretched DPM group,pair 2是另一个stretched DPM group).
所有的EVA端口ports 1 and 2 (Production and DR)连接到两个DPM groups的DPM Quads 1 and 2, 所有的EVA端口ports 3 and 4 连接到DPM port 3 and 4.
从楼主地描述来看,option 1里面,针对production site你配置了DPM Pair 1可以访问所有arrays, 而DPM pair 2只能访问到DR site的arrays (我理解假设pair是一个stretched DPM group,pair 2是另一个stretched DPM group).
所有的EVA端口ports 1 and 2 (Production and DR)连接到两个DPM groups的DPM Quads 1 and 2, 所有的EVA端口ports 3 and 4 连接到DPM port 3 and 4.