HP-UX - Configure APA Failover Group for HPVM Guest

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HP-UX - Configure APA Failover Group for HPVM Guest

帖子 SYSTEM » 2014年 11月 17日 10:05 星期一

NOTE: These instructions are for creating a failover group on the HPVM host and using that failover group to create a vswitch for use in a HPVM guest. Although it is possible to configure a failover group within a HPVM guest it is NOT supported. Please see the following URL: HP Integrity Virtual Machines 4.3: Installation, Configuration, and Administration.


1. Follow the instructions to create a failover group on a HPVM host.

2. Create a vswitch based on the failover group.

NOTE: For all the examples in this instruction we will use ‘switch0’ as the vswitch name and ‘900’ as the nic-id.

# hpvmnet -c -S switch0 -n 900

NOTE: This creates a vswitch with the name ‘switch0’ on ‘lan900’.

3. If the guest is running, shut it down.

# hpvmstop –P <HPVM guest name>

4. Start the new vswitch.

# hpvmnet -b -S switch0

5. Add the vswitch to the HPVM guest.

# hpvmmodify -P <HPVM guest name> -a network:avio_lan:vswitch:switch0

6. Start the HPVM guest.

# hpvmstart -P <HPVM guest name>

7. Determine and record the MAC Address for this new interface.

# hpvmstatus -P <HPVM guest name>

[Virtual Machine Details]
Virtual Machine Name VM # OS Type State
==================== ===== ======= ========
usplsvlux282 3 HPUX On (OS)

[Authorized Administrators]
Oper Groups:
Admin Groups:
Oper Users:
Admin Users:

[Virtual CPU Details]
#vCPUs Entitlement Maximum
====== =========== =======
2 25.0% 100.0%

[Memory Details]
Total Reserved
Memory Memory
======= ========
4 GB 64 MB

[Storage Interface Details]
Guest Physical
Device Adaptor Bus Dev Ftn Tgt Lun Storage Device
======= ========== === === === === === ========= =========================
disk avio_stor 0 2 0 0 0 lv /dev/vghpvm/rlvpribootdisk
disk avio_stor 0 2 0 1 0 lv /dev/vghpvm/rlvaltbootdisk
disk avio_stor 0 2 0 2 0 lv /dev/vghpvm/rlvappdisk
dvd avio_stor 0 2 0 3 0 file /var/tmp/golddisk-hpux-ia64-boeplus-sep08.iso

[Network Interface Details]
Interface Adaptor Name/Num PortNum Bus Dev Ftn Mac Address
========= ========== ========== ======= === === === =================
vswitch avio_lan MGMT 1 0 0 0 ee-8b-2b-32-39-35
vswitch avio_lan BUR 2 0 1 0 a2-7a-6d-4a-77-a7
vswitch avio_lan switch0 1 0 6 0 82-c2-d1-ea-c4-fa

[Misc Interface Details]
Guest Physical
Device Adaptor Bus Dev Ftn Tgt Lun Storage Device
======= ========== === === === === === ========= =========================
serial com1 tty console

Look in the section titled “Network Interface Details”. You will see a interface by the name of ‘switch0’ (highlighted above). Write down the MAC Address associated with this interface.

8. Access the HPVM guest.

# hpvmconsole -P <HPVM guest name>

9. Determine the network interface associated with the vswitch switch0.

# nwmgr

Name/ Interface Station Sub- Interface Related
ClassInstance State Address system Type Interface
============== ========= ============== ======== ============== =========
lan0 UP 0xEE8B2B323935 igssn 1000Base-T
lan1 UP 0xA27A6D4A77A7 igssn 1000Base-T
lan4 UP 0x82C2D1EAC4FA igssn 1000Base-T
lan900 DOWN 0x000000000000 hp_apa hp_apa
lan901 DOWN 0x000000000000 hp_apa hp_apa
lan902 DOWN 0x000000000000 hp_apa hp_apa
lan903 DOWN 0x000000000000 hp_apa hp_apa
lan904 DOWN 0x000000000000 hp_apa hp_apa

NOTE: The interface with the same MAC address is lan4 (highlighted above).

10. Proceed with configuring the network interface in /etc/rc.config.d/netconf.
