• Use ioscan to list disks on the system
# ioscan –funC disk
• Use bdf to determine which disks are already in use as whole disk file systems
# bdf
• Use swapinfo to determine which disks are already in use as whole disk device swap
# swapinfo –d
• Use /etc/lvmtab to determine which disks are already in VGs
# strings /etc/lvmtab
• Use vxdisk to determine which disks (if any) are managed by VxVM
# vxdisk list
• Use dd to determine the physical location of your chosen disk
# dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0 of=/dev/null bs=8192
• Use diskinfo to verify the size of your chosen disk
# diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
HP-UX - Identifying Available Disks
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1. 本版是定位于惠普软件系统及解决方案的技术讨论区。
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Re: HP-UX - Identifying Available Disks
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- 注册时间: 2010年 12月 28日 21:17 星期二
Re: HP-UX - Identifying Available Disks
Google是学习的好帮手。Hring5 写了:怎么没有中文?看不懂啊。。。
提倡分享之精神, 技术问题请在相关版面直接发帖, 站内短信恕不答复.
I don't answer private messages on topics of public interest, because it defeats the whole purpose of a message board.
I don't answer private messages on topics of public interest, because it defeats the whole purpose of a message board.