HP DL980 iLO 3 Interface Speed(s)?

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帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

HP DL980 iLO 3 Interface Speed(s)?

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 8月 8日 19:35 星期四

Keith 写了:The HP DL980 iLO 3 interface can connect at what speeds? 10/100 Mbs? 1000 Mbs? I see also sorts of conflicting references/notes about this.

I cannot connect to the HP DL980 iLO 3 interface. I am thinking the trouble may be that it connected to a switch that only does 1000 Mbs and the iLO interface can only do 10/100 Mbs (?). Could this be it, or am I missing something else?

帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

Re: HP DL980 iLO 3 Interface Speed(s)?

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 8月 8日 19:36 星期四

Martin 写了:The iLo3 can do 10 or 100 Mbits when using the dedicated iLo network port. When using the sideband connection (shared network port) it is possible to sue 10/100/1000 Mbits.

iLo4 can do 1Gbit on the dedicated port.
