Cisco Acquires JouleX

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Cisco Acquires JouleX

帖子 admin » 2013年 6月 4日 10:35 星期二

On May 29, Cisco announced that it would acquire JouleX for $107 million.

JouleX develops software to analyze and reduce power consumption in data centers and offices. The acquisition is a reboot of sorts of Cisco’s EnergyWise initiative aimed to monitor, report, and control the energy consumption of devices running on Cisco’s networks.

Although it has continued to invest in EnergyWise, Cisco decided in late 2011 after several disappointing quarters to scale back some of its investment in energy and building management (its Network Building Mediator and Mediator Manager products) and focus on its core business , datacenter infrastructure management (DCIM).

JouleX has made no secret of its close relationship with Cisco and its reliance on the networking giant's EnergyWise technology and sales channel.

Although Cisco has been manufacturing networking equipment for some time, they are new to providing complete data center solutions and experience matters.

Cisco must purchase and then inte grate other companies to provide complete solutions to customers.
