3PAR – Automating SAN Zone creation
Author Dung Hoang Khac
So with some help from Arnout Verbeken and Derek Parmenter, I now have a better understanding of the CLI commands required for SAN zoning on switches.
Apparently there is no scripting capability on the switches so you need to ssh/putty to the SAN console and do a cut and paste of your CLI commands text file :=)
That’s fine as long as I can get my job done!
Here are the commands needed for SAN Zoning:
Create alias command
Syntax: alicreate “<friendly_name>”, “WWN”
Create alias for both host and storage port
Used in create zone command
Need to have WWN of host and storage port
Create zone comand
Syntax: zonecreate “<zone_name>”, “member[;member;…]”
One zone per host and storage port
Used alias created earlier for friendly names
Create config command
Syntax: cfgcreate “< Config_name>”, “ <zone_name>[;<zone_name>;…]”
One config for all zones
Need to enable it after creation cfgenable “<Config_name>”
Need to save the config cfgsave
Before generating those SAN commands , I’d need to collect WWNs both from Hosts and storage ports. In my environment, I have a C7000 with 16 Blade and a F400 2-nodes controller
So the OA command and the 3PAR Inform CLI command may help here. Here is my generic workflow and I will be working on the coding in the next few days.
Until then, Enjoy!
Example of CLI command
## Alicreate:
## alicreate "name", "WWN"
alicreate "A_GFGV_3PAR_N2S2P3", "22:23:00:02:ac:00:0e:20"
alicreate "A_GFGV_3PAR_N3S1P1", "23:11:00:02:ac:00:0e:20"
## Zonecreate:
## zonecreate "zonename", "member[; member…]"
zonecreate "Z_GFGV_ESX01_P2_GFGV_3PAR_N2S2P3", "A_GFGV_3PAR_N2S2P3; A_GFGV_ESX01_P2"
zonecreate "Z_GFGV_ESX01_P2_GFGV_3PAR_N3S2P4", "A_GFGV_3PAR_N3S2P4; A_GFGV_ESX01_P2"
## cfgcreate
## cfgcreate "cfgName", "member[ ;member…]"
cfgenable “AOK_FABRIC2”
3PAR – Automating SAN Zone creation
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3PAR – Automating SAN Zone creation