VCEM customer questions

HP ProLiant、BladeSystem、Integrity、Integrity NonStop、9000、Alpha服务器等

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帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

VCEM customer questions

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 2月 1日 10:27 星期五

Dave 写了:I have a site using VCEM 7.0 with ~ 25 enclosures. We have a couple of good questions, that I am seeking answers.

One more item is that we are getting new enclosures with Gen8 blades and knows that we will need to update VCEM to at least 7.1 u1.

The first question was about Domain Filtering. We have two DGs, one production with most of the Domains and other has a few Domains.The base filter does not give must assistance with the Production choice as it houses most of the enclosures.
Is there going to be a better way to filter or has it been added into the newer versions 7.1 or 7.1u1?

The other question/request is that we use many VLANs and the network team is always adding more.
Is there a way for her to modify the 50 some profiles in an easier method than one at a time?
I know that there is a vcemcli, but did not know if this would be of much help as we do not get to ‘play’ with the cli much.
Has the GUI been updated the be able to do bulk modifications in newer version or on the horizon?

帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

Re: VCEM customer questions

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 2月 1日 10:28 星期五

Chris 写了:Not sure what you mean by “Domain Filtering” in VCEM. If you mean being able to locate a specific VC Domain or Enclosure within VCEM to assign or edit a Server Profile, no that has not changed in 7.1U1/U2 or the upcoming 7.2.

As for modifying Server Profiles, no the UI has not been enhanced to edit multiple Server Profiles at the same time. VCEMCLI is what you need to use, but it’s still editing multiple Server Profiles at a time, which can be scripted. This “operational behavior” won’t change with VCEM at any point, and will be “fixed” in Fusion (aka HP Next Generation CI Management.)

帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

Re: VCEM customer questions

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 2月 1日 10:29 星期五

Dave 写了:Chris, you nailed it on both.
I think we would like to search for Unassigned profile(s), specific Domain(s) like we can search with SIM search or even a better filter tool.

I thought we might be able to use the CLI to modify profiles and suspect that this could require some editing.
But I would think that it would be easier than using the GUI…

