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MS SQL Server - Changing Server Default Collation

发表于 : 2013年 5月 19日 19:23 星期天
  • In SQL 2000, run rebuildm.exe in the SQL Server binaries directory, and set the collation in the setup dialog.
  • In SQL 2005, the following command:

    代码: 全选

    setup.exe /qb INSTANCENAME=[instance] REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD=[password] SQLCOLLATION=[new collation]
  • In SQL 2008, the command is:

    代码: 全选

    setup.exe /QUIET /ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE /INSTANCENAME=[instance] /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=[admin account] /SAPWD=[password] /SQLCOLLATION=[new collation]