HP-UX - Configure ILO2 Network

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HP-UX - Configure ILO2 Network

帖子 SYSTEM » 2014年 11月 18日 11:16 星期二

HP-UX - Configure ILO2 Network

Network Settings

1, Log in to iLO 2 using an account that has the Configure iLO 2 Settings privilege.

2, Click Administration>Network>Network. The Network Settings page appears.
The Network Settings page has the following information and settings available:

DHCP enables you to select static IP (disabled) or enables the use of a DHCP server to obtain an IP address for the Integrated Lights-Out 2 subsystem, You cannot set the iLO 2 IP Address and Subnet Mask if DHCP is enabled. Disabling DHCP enables you to configure the IP address. The IP Address field also appears on the DHCP/DNS Settings page for convenience. Changing the value on either page changes the DHCP setting.
IP Address is the iLO 2 IP address. If DHCP is used, the iLO 2 IP address is automatically supplied. If not, enter a static IP address. The IP Address field appears on the DHCP/DNS page for convenience. Entering values in the field on either page changes the IP address of the iLO 2.
Subnet Mask is the subnet mask of the iLO 2 IP network. If DHCP is used, the Subnet Mask is automatically supplied. If not, enter the subnet mask for the network.
Gateway IP Address displays the IP address of the network gateway. If DHCP is in use, the Gateway IP Address is automatically supplied. If not, enter the network gateway address.
iLO 2 Subsystem Name is a name used by the iLO 2 subsystem. If DHCP and DNS are configured correctly, this name can be used to connect to the iLO 2 subsystem instead of the IP address.
Link controls the speed and duplex of the iLO 2 network transceiver. The current link speed of the primary dedicated iLO 2 NIC can be highlighted. Link settings include the following:
Automatic (default) enables iLO 2 to negotiate the highest supported link speed and duplex when connected to the network.
100Mb/FD forces a 100-Mb connection using full duplex.
100Mb/HD forces a 100-Mb connection using half duplex.
10Mb/FD forces a 10-Mb connection using full duplex.
10Mb/HD forces a 10-Mb connection using half duplex.

3, Click Apply to finish network tab settings.

DHCP/DNS Settings

1, Log in to iLO 2 using an account that has the Configure iLO 2 Settings privilege.

2, Click Administration>Network>DHCP/DNS. Input proper info and options:
DHCP allows you to select static IP (disabled) or enable the use of a DHCP server to obtain an IP address for the iLO 2 subsystem.
IP Address is the iLO 2 IP address. If DHCP is used, the iLO 2 IP address is automatically supplied. If not, enter a static IP address. The IP Address field appears on the Network Settings page for your convenience. Changing the value on either page changes the IP address of iLO 2.
Domain Name is the name of the domain where the iLO 2 subsystem resides. This name is assigned by DHCP (if DHCP is enabled). Enabling DHCP allows you to configure the following DHCP options:
Use DHCP Supplied Gateway—Toggles if iLO 2 uses the DHCP server-supplied gateway. If not, enter an gateway address in the Gateway IP Address box.
Use DHCP Supplied DNS Servers—Toggles if iLO 2 uses the DHCP server-supplied DNS server list. If not, enter the DNS server address in the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary DNS Server fields.
Use DHCP Supplied WINS Servers—Toggles if iLO 2 uses the DHCP server-supplied WINS server list. If not, enter the WINS server address in the Primary and Secondary WINS Server fields.
Use DHCP Supplied Static Routes—Toggles if iLO 2 uses the DHCP server-supplied static route. If not, enter the static route address in Static Route #1, Static Route #2, or Static Route #3 fields.
Use DHCP Supplied Domain Name—Toggles if iLO 2 uses the DHCP server-supplied domain name. If not, enter a domain name in the Domain Name box.
WINS Server Registration toggles if iLO 2 registers its name with a WINS server.
DDNS Server Registration toggles if iLO 2 registers its name with a DDNS server.
Ping Gateway on Startup option causes iLO 2 to send four ICMP echo request packets to the gateway when iLO 2 initializes. This option ensures that the ARP cache entry for iLO 2 is up-to-date on the router responsible for routing packets to and from iLO 2.
DHCP Server is the IP address of the DHCP server. This field cannot be assigned. It is received from DHCP if DHCP is enabled and represents the last known valid DHCP server address.
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary DNS Server are the IP addresses of the DNS servers. If supplied by the DHCP server, these fields are automatically populated. Otherwise, enter the IP addresses manually.
Primary and Secondary WINS Server are the IP addresses of the WINS servers. If supplied by the DHCP server, these fields are automatically populated.
Static Route #1, Static Route #2, and Static Route #3 (destination, gateway) are the network destination gateway addresses. Enter up to three network destination/gateway routing pairs.

3, Click Apply to complete the settings.

NOTE: See the HP Integrity iLO 2 Operations Guide for details.
