HP-UX - Configure APA Failover Group Using nwmgr

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HP-UX - Configure APA Failover Group Using nwmgr

帖子 SYSTEM » 2014年 11月 17日 09:51 星期一

NOTE: These instructions are for creating a failover group. HP APA provides other aggregate options. Detailed information about those options and how to configure those groups is available in the HP Auto Port Aggregation Administrator's Guide: HP-UX 11i v3.


1. Use nwmgr to create a failover group.

nwmgr -a -A links=ppa1,ppa2,... -A mode=LAN_MONITOR [-A attr1=value1,attr2=value2,...] { -c lan aggregate_instance | -I aggregate_instance } [-f] -S apa

NOTE: Attributes available for failover groups are: poll_interval, dead_count, rapid_arp, rapid_arp_interval, rapid_arp_count, port_pri, port_cost. Refer to the Attributes section of the nwmgr_apa manpage for detailed information about the attributes. Any attributes not explicitly set will get their default values.

For example:

nwmgr -a -A links=1,2 -A mode=LAN_MONITOR -I 900 -S apa

2. Use nwmgr to save the APA configuration so it will be persistent across reboots.

For example, to save all current APA settings, including all interfaces created:

nwmgr -s -A all --from cu --sa -S apa

To save the specific interface:

nwmgr -s -c lan900 -A attr=value,… -S apa

3. If VLAN tagging is used on this group, stop here and follow the instructions for adding a VLAN interface.

4. Edit the /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file to add the IP configuration for the failover group.

For example:


NOTE: The index value must be different for each interface.

5. Restart the network.

# /sbin/init.d/net stop
# /sbin/init.d/hpapa stop

# /sbin/init.d/hpapa start
# /sbin/init.d/net start

NOTE: If you experience problems with the network, you should reboot the server. Restarting portions of the network may not correctly re-initialize other network subsystems.
