HP-UX - Configure multipathing

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HP-UX - Configure multipathing

帖子 admin » 2013年 8月 2日 22:54 星期五

Native multipathing is configured automatically.
These instructions are to check and/or change the default settings.
Refer to the scsimgr manpage for detailed information about the options that may be tuned.

1. Use scsimgr lun_map to view the mapping between LUNs and lunpaths.

代码: 全选

# scsimgr lun_map -D /dev/rdisk/disk7
2. Use scsimgr get_attr to check the load balancing policy.

代码: 全选

# scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk7 -a load_bal_policy
NOTE: The load balancing policy may be changed using scsimgr set_attr.
To make the changes persistent across reboots, use scsimgr save_attr.

3. Use scsimgr get_attr to view lunpath failure detection settings.

代码: 全选

# scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk7 -a path_fail_secs
NOTE: The lun path failure detection may be tuned using scsimgr set_attr.
To make the changes persistent across reboots, use scsimgr save_attr.
