HP-UX Reorder Lan PPAs from default OS installation

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HP-UX Reorder Lan PPAs from default OS installation

帖子 MUDBOY » 2013年 5月 30日 17:43 星期四

OpenCall configurations make certain assumptions about the PPA associated with the core I/O lans.(i.e.: that lan0 is the management lan).

Some machines do not present the core I/O lans as lan0 as required.

Follow this procedure to reorder lan PPAs if necessary:

Check the current status of the lan PPAS
(the following example is taken from an rx3600):

# ioscan –kfClan

Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
lan 0 0/2/1/0/4/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 1 0/2/1/0/4/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 2 0/2/1/0/6/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 3 0/2/1/0/6/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 4 0/4/2/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
lan 5 0/4/2/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
lan 6 0/6/1/0/4/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 7 0/6/1/0/4/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 8 0/6/1/0/6/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 9 0/6/1/0/6/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter

Note the the core I/O IDs indicated in the second column are 4 and 5. They must be changed to 0 and 1.

# ioscan -kfClan | grep "^lan" | awk '{print $3" "$1" "$2}' | sed -e "s/\//./g" > /tmp/newio

This will produce the file /tmp/newio with the following contents (from the given example): lan 0 lan 1 lan 2 lan 3 lan 4 lan 5 lan 6 lan 7 lan 8 lan 9

Edit this file and change the third argument to be the new PPA and remove any interfaces that won’t need changing. In this example, lan6 to lan9 will not change, giving the following contents: lan 2 lan 3 lan 4 lan 5 lan 0 lan 1

Now, execute the following command to reorder the interfaces and reboot the machine:

# ioinit -f /tmp/newio –r

Afterwards, check that the lan IDs are as expected:

# ioscan –kfClan

Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
lan 2 0/2/1/0/4/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 3 0/2/1/0/4/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 4 0/2/1/0/6/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 5 0/2/1/0/6/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 0 0/4/2/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
lan 1 0/4/2/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
lan 6 0/6/1/0/4/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 7 0/6/1/0/4/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 8 0/6/1/0/6/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter
lan 9 0/6/1/0/6/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB545-60001 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T 4-port 1000B-T Adapter

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帖子: 278
注册时间: 2011年 6月 17日 21:31 星期五

Re: HP-UX Reorder Lan PPAs from default OS installation

帖子 爱老虎油 » 2013年 6月 3日 00:04 星期一

