=====Posted by Karl=====
The 578xx (534FLB and 534M) does support FCoE NPIV (N_Port ID Virtualization - multiple FCoE WW port names on the same physical port) on both Windows and Linux but not on VMWare (this is due to the VMWare’s Open FCoE software stack not supporting NPIV yet).
You cannot create an NPIV via Windows Device Manager.
You could use the BACS4’s GUI to create both Linux and Windows FCoE NPIVs by left clicking on an FCoE Adapter instance and selecting either “Create a Virtual Port” or “Create Multiple Virtual Ports”.
You could also use BACS4cli to do the same thing on both Linux and Windows – using the FCoE “
createnpivport” and “
createmultinpivport” CLI commands – see the BACSCLI_Readme.txt file for more information. Note that HP’s Network Configuration Utility (NCU) has not been upgraded to support 578xx FCoE yet, and my understanding is NCU will not be available for use on Win2012 and Win2012R2 (while BACS4 is available) – see
On Win2012/2012R2, you can use the MS PowerShell command ”Add-VMFibreChannelHba -VMName MyVmName -SanName MySanName –GenerateWwn” – see
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/libr ... 48550.aspx.
Additionally, you could use the Linux “vport_create” command to create an NPIV on an FCoE adapter – see
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features ... Management.
Note that while NPIV is supported, Virtual Fibre Channel (vFC) is not currently supported yet.
BACS4 screen captures: