Heartbeat VLAN to be seen on 4 enclosures

HP ProLiant、BladeSystem、Integrity、Integrity NonStop、9000、Alpha服务器等

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帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

Heartbeat VLAN to be seen on 4 enclosures

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 2月 1日 10:44 星期五

Patrick 写了:We would like to configure 4 enclosures to talk to each other. The goal is for all the blades in 4 separate C-7000 enclosures to talk to each other without using the enclosure domain functionality (with requires a license) or an external switch.

I believe another way to phrase it is that they want the heartbeat VLAN to be seen on 4 enclosures.

Is this possible?

帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

Re: Heartbeat VLAN to be seen on 4 enclosures

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 2月 1日 10:45 星期五

Brian 写了:If they stack the 4 enclosures into a single Virtual Connect Domain it’s possible via stacking links.

I am making the assumption you are using Virtual Connect.

Note this wouldn’t require a VCEM license.

帖子: 265
注册时间: 2012年 2月 20日 15:45 星期一

Re: Heartbeat VLAN to be seen on 4 enclosures

帖子 SYSTEM » 2013年 2月 1日 10:46 星期五

Chris 写了:“enclosure domain functionality (with requires a license) or an external switch”

Are you referring to Virtual Connect? If so, there is no license requirement to import slave enclosures into a Virtual Connect Domain. To manage a VC Domain via Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager will require a license, but that has no bearing on Multi-Enclosure Stack Domain.

And, if you are indeed referring to Virtual Connect, you need an external Ethernet switch to connect more than two enclosures/VC Domains together, while maintaining separate Virtual Connect Domains. It boils down to how VC manages Loop Prevention on the uplinks, which is referred to LAN Safe.
