BL465 G7 and CN1100E nics
发表于 : 2012年 12月 12日 06:04 星期三
Michael 写了:I am researching problems associated with over 300 BL465 G7 servers running MS2008 R2 and NLASVC 7011 errors. The blades are currently upgraded to the June 2012 SPP and the NIC f/w is 4.1.402.8. The driver version is 4.1.370.0.
My question is, when running the SPP does the firmware and driver get updated from the same cpxxxxxx.exe file or just one or the other? I have found firmware code but it is either offline (iso) or done with Emulex OCM. HPSUM report feature only shows the f/w and driver versions associated with June SPP cp016959. If this only loads a new driver how does HPSUM update the firmware?