Are there any specific HP tools that should be loaded in order to probe/monitor the GPU usage or is that information only available via iLo (which I won't be able to access)?
Want to know how to monitor NVIDIA Tesla M2090 6GB GPU (A0J99A)/ M2075 in SL390sG7?
We checked HP ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out 3’s user guide, however there is no comment about GPU.
Can it use Integrated Lights-Out 3 to monitor GPU? Or by IMA/SMH/SIM?
SL390 GPU usage monitoring
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Re: SL390 GPU usage monitoring
It seems that iLO can’t monitor GPU now, but there is a plan to support it by the future enhancement.
And you can use HP Cluster Management Utility to monitor GPU’s temperature and other status. ... tsg/go_cmu
And you can use HP Cluster Management Utility to monitor GPU’s temperature and other status. ... tsg/go_cmu