DL980 memory hemisphere question

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注册时间: 2011年 1月 26日 23:03 星期三

DL980 memory hemisphere question

帖子 HONG » 2012年 5月 23日 15:36 星期三

DL980 memory hemisphere question

Can anyone please find out what happens in the flowing case:

Memory configuration is Hemisphere.

The BIOS deallocated a DIMM.

What happens with Hemisphere mode?

Per the picture below, is there a difference on how the server is configured, and what happens with a DIMM failure?

帖子: 229
注册时间: 2011年 1月 26日 23:31 星期三

Re: DL980 memory hemisphere question

帖子 HEUNG » 2012年 5月 23日 15:52 星期三

The 980 only supports hemisphere mode.

In the case of a single memory board failure, the memory board it is paired with will be disabled.

In other words, both memory boards in a pair are required to be functional, and if not, neither will be used.

The answer is for the case of memory board failures. In the case of a DIMM failure, the entire Quad (4 DIMMs) of memory is dealocated. The DIMM deallocation rules are such that the system always runs in hemisphere mode.
