HP IP Console Switches

HP ProLiant、BladeSystem、Integrity、Integrity NonStop、9000、Alpha服务器等

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HP IP Console Switches

帖子 admin » 2011年 10月 17日 20:58 星期一

HP IP Console Switch.jpg
什么是KVM Switch?

KVM 代表 Keyboard(键盘), Video(视频), Mouse(鼠标).
KVM 连接了两个或以上计算机的键盘、鼠标和显示器。用户可以自由选择操作连接到KVM上的计算机。
KVM switches也可以表示Console Switches.

IP Console Switch如何工作?

The interface adapter converts the native keyboard, video and mouse signals from the attached computer to standard single CAT5 signals.
The CAT5 signals go from the interface adapter directly to the IP Console Switch.
The IP console Switch digitizes the signals and sends them over the IP network to the IP console switch viewer software.
If the viewing is done through the local keyboard, mouse and video ports on the IP Console Switch the signals are not routed via IP but are merely passed through to the local monitor mouse and keyboard. If the system being viewed were attached to a Compaq legacy server console switch, the signals would first pass through that switch, then though the interface adapter and on to the IP Console Switch for local viewing or transmission via the IP network to the IP console switch viewer software.

惠普目前提供了如下IP KVM Switches产品

HP 0x2x16 KVM Server Console Switch G2.
HP 2x1x16 IP Console Switch with Virtual Media.
HP 4x1x16 IP Console Switch with Virtual Media.
HP KVM CAT5 1x1x16 IP Console Switch.
HP KVM CAT5 3x1x16 IP Console Switch.

The 0x2x16 KVM switch offers dual console support, allowing the flexibility of controlling switch configurations from more than one location, or by more than one user.
The 2x1x16 model will support up to 3 users simultaneously as 2 remote users and 1 local user.
The 4x1x16 model will support up to 4 users as either 4 remote users or 3 remote users and 1 local user.
The 1x1x16 model will support up to 1 remote user and 1 local user.
The 3x1x16 model will support up to 3 remote users and 1 local user.

帖子: 13
注册时间: 2011年 10月 30日 01:16 星期天

Re: HP IP Console Switches

帖子 wonly » 2011年 11月 6日 02:42 星期天

G2的Console Switch切换很不方便

帖子: 2
注册时间: 2011年 11月 9日 20:55 星期三

Re: HP IP Console Switches

帖子 littlechen001 » 2011年 11月 9日 20:58 星期三

谢谢 好东西。。
