HP Integrity Server rx3600 RAID模式设置
1, During the Boot Menu, select 'EFI Shell [Built In]'
启动rx3600服务器到EFI Shell模式
2, In the EFI Shell, enter the command 'drvcfg -s' to get into RAID configuration.
输入'drvcfg -s'命令进入RAID配置界面。
3, Here it uses the SAS1068 Adapter, select it and press Enter to get into adapter properties.
4, Enter 'RAID Properties'
进入'RAID Properties'选项
5, Choose 'Create IM Volume'
选择新建IM Volume
6, In the 'RAID Disk' colume, change tag from 'No' to 'Yes' by pressing Space key, we will choose 2 hard disks to create a RAID 1 volume, and the rest two disks for another RAID 1 volume.
出现硬盘的列表,此例中有四个硬盘。把光标移动到每个硬盘的'RAID Disk'处,按空格键把No变成Yes。
7, Save the Configuration and Exit
8, Press Enter key to restart the controller
9, User 'map -r' command in EFI Shell to display the newly created RAID 1 volumes.
此时两个RAID1模式的磁盘阵列就创建成功了,在EFI Shell下用map命令可以查看到。原来的单个硬盘已经不显示,取而代之的是两个阵列磁盘。
HP Integrity Server rx3600 RAID模式设置
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HP Integrity Server rx3600 RAID模式设置
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