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发表于 : 2017年 11月 10日 18:25 星期五


Re: 密码被锁,无法进入bios

发表于 : 2017年 11月 11日 15:51 星期六
MUDBOY 写了:今天遇到这个情况了

这是因为有一些软件,特别是需要TPM功能的软件,再设置或者初始化的时候,往往就会使用 BiosConfigUtility.EXE工具配置bios的密码

BiosConfigUtility.EXE {options}

where the valid options are:

/GetConfig:"filename" - Gets the configuration data.
/SetConfig:"filename" - Modify the system BIOS configuration.
- Accepts only RESPET formatted files.
/Format:REPSET - Specifies the GETCONFIG output format.
- /FORMAT:REPSET is the default.
/? or /Help - Display this help message.
/cspwd:"pwd" or
/CurSetupPassword:"pwd" - Current BIOS Setup Password.
- Provide only if needed for /SETCONFIG
or if changing the password with
- Can specify multiple current passwords.
/nspwd:"pwd" or
/NewSetupPassword:"pwd" - New BIOS Setup Password.
- Used to modify the password.
- To remove the password use /NewSetupPassword:""
/verbose - Display details about each setting such as
failure code, reason for failure

NOTE: BIOS passwords are converted from ASCII to English keyboard
scan codes. If a character does not map directly to a scan
code, the password is ignored.

Valid 'characters' are mapped to keyboard keys as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \ <KEYPAD 7> <KEYPAD 8> <KEYPAD 9> <KEYPAD *>
a s d f g h j k l ; ' <KEYPAD 4> <KEYPAD 5> <KEYPAD 6> <KEYPAD ->
z x c v b n m , . <KEYPAD 1> <KEYPAD 2> <KEYPAD 3> <KEYPAD +>
