发表于 : 2013年 2月 5日 01:06 星期二
貌似想完整的对dc屏幕进行校正需要使用惠普专门的工具DreamColor Calibration 解决方案,这个是最新的,原来要用的是貌似是i1display2改造的dreamcolor display2 (KZ300AA),改造的原因是display2本事不支持广色域,现在升级到用oem i1 display pro的了。貌似官方叫做dreamcolor i1d3.。。。现在想问下惠普的DreamColor Calibration 解决方案软件能直接使用i1 display pro对屏幕进行较色不。。毕竟为了较一次色单弄一个较色仪有点说不过去啊,而i1 display pro能从网上租到。
X-Rite Product Manager Steve Rankin posted the following on the ColorSync list Aug 19, 2011.
As the product manager for our Display Solutions at X-Rite, let me try to clarify a few things regarding OEM and 3rd party developer support for our new i1D3 based colorimeters. There seems to be lot’s of confusion here. First and foremost, X-Rite absolutely does allow OEMs and 3rd party developers access to our i1Display Pro retail instruments. Karl Koch already mentioned it here on the ColorSync List that BasICColor will support our retail product and I now have permission from Eizo to announce that a soon to be released version of ColorNavigator software will also support our retail i1Display Pro device. In addition, while I cannot mention their names, I can tell you that there are more OEMs & developers currently working on integrating our channel device into their software solutions. So, for any other OEMs or third party developers that wish to also support our retail i1Display Pro device, please contact devsupport@xrite.com and ask for our “i1Display Pro License Request Form”. Second, regarding support of OEM versions of i1D3, this is not an X-Rite issue at all. Any software developer who wishes to support an OEM version of the i1D3 device must contact and obtain this ability from that OEM. I hope this clarifies things for all.
X-Rite Product Manager Steve Rankin posted the following on the ColorSync list Aug 19, 2011.
As the product manager for our Display Solutions at X-Rite, let me try to clarify a few things regarding OEM and 3rd party developer support for our new i1D3 based colorimeters. There seems to be lot’s of confusion here. First and foremost, X-Rite absolutely does allow OEMs and 3rd party developers access to our i1Display Pro retail instruments. Karl Koch already mentioned it here on the ColorSync List that BasICColor will support our retail product and I now have permission from Eizo to announce that a soon to be released version of ColorNavigator software will also support our retail i1Display Pro device. In addition, while I cannot mention their names, I can tell you that there are more OEMs & developers currently working on integrating our channel device into their software solutions. So, for any other OEMs or third party developers that wish to also support our retail i1Display Pro device, please contact devsupport@xrite.com and ask for our “i1Display Pro License Request Form”. Second, regarding support of OEM versions of i1D3, this is not an X-Rite issue at all. Any software developer who wishes to support an OEM version of the i1D3 device must contact and obtain this ability from that OEM. I hope this clarifies things for all.