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Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 3日 20:47 星期六

I have a confusing about BIOS DMI solution of hp/compaq desktop pc (CPC).

We know the BIOS setting between laptop with desktop which are two different solution. We cannot use the tatto/DMI tool of laptop into desktop, on the contrary side is same.

HP had input the BID, FeatureByte code into the MB BIOS, which includes the preinstalled OS, apps, hardware, and warranty. so if we are not follow the HP offcial solution to upgrade the BIOS setting, even we can add slic data into it, however this will bring out another issues, or cause stability, and we cannot upgrade again through the hp official BIOS file.

So is there someone can describe the detail description of FlexBuild and releated information?

Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 3日 20:56 星期六



Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 3日 21:18 星期六




Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 3日 22:20 星期六

Thanks for your reply. So presently the desktop pc should be produced by hp chongqing factory, am right?

What I said is just for the consume desktop pc.

I had heard of a hp us RD guy said change the CPC BIOS setting is easy as long as have two hp official files. One is the CPC DMI tool, another is the Featurebyte code which includes the preinstalled OS/Apps with the same MB model.

So the only question is that can we create the featurebyte code folowing the hp guide?

Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 4日 16:54 星期天
据我所知,惠普重庆的工厂既有生产笔记本,也有台式机, 富士康提供的工人在惠普工厂工作,上海也有PC的工厂才对。

关于家用台式机电脑,据说现在不用CPC DMI了,应该会采用和商用台式机一种解决方案(或者叫工厂设置程序)来统一设置。

以前的CPC DMI估计只能应用于老的型号。

楼主所说的FlexBuild(我理解是在工厂连接到内部网络统一安装出厂系统OS程序的?)或者Featurebyte code这些概念,不好意思,我也不甚明白。

Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 5日 12:04 星期一
咨询了一下高手, FeatureByte code应该是对机型配置作定义的。
FeatureByte code的具体含义应该是通过惠普内部的一个系统来定义的,也就是选择了一些配置信息后生成FeatureByte code,然后通过cpc dmi工具写入电脑的DMI(估计现在有最新的工具不叫这个名字了),暂时还不能直接根据字符来解释出来什么配置。

Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 5日 22:57 星期一

Thank you very much for your information.

I agree with your words @ 6#. :)

A month ago when I worked with hp CS guy in SH, he had showed me a HP internal web site about the CPC DMI tool and I had captured as below:
However, for the latest version 6.xx, MB will be flashed by OEM even for the return spare parts.

Thanks again. Nice talking with you.

Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 6日 01:09 星期二
楼主客气了, 如果能下载到这些工具就好了


Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 6日 07:44 星期二
What's U need, just feel free to tell me, I will try to get and send to you.

Re: Is there someone know the hp CPC BIOS DMI solution?

发表于 : 2011年 12月 6日 15:15 星期二
FeatureByte code就是通过cpc dmi工具来写入台式机的DMI的

