发表于 : 2013年 7月 13日 09:50 星期六
您好!谢谢您的回复,我不是很清楚,但是客户看到之后顺利解决了。再次感谢!piyopiyo81 写了:不知道你说的是Solenoid Lock还是其他配件
如果是Solenoid Lock的话你可以手动解除但前提是你需要有Solenoid Lock附带的FailSafe Key
Disabling the Solenoid Lock mechanically
NOTE: If the Solenoid Lock is locked and disabled mechanically, the new lock will be automatically locked as soon as the computer is restarted.
1. Exit all software applications, shut down the operating system software, turn off the computer and any external devices, and then disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.
2. Lay the computer on its side with the cover facing up.
3. Using the FailSafe Key included in this kit, remove the two tamper-resistant screws that secure the Solenoid Lock to the chassis.
4. After the screws are removed, the Solenoid Lock will fall inside the chassis.
5. Remove the computer side acce ss panel to access the internal components of the computer.
6. Unplug the Solenoid Lock cable from the syst em board and remove the lock assembly.
Installing an HP Solenoid Lock and Hood Sensor
http://h20566.www2.hp.com/portal/site/h ... cachetoken