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帖子 MUDBOY » 2013年 9月 13日 15:48 星期五

目前我用的是平民级的HKC 27寸显示器,效果都觉得还蛮不错。


Z27i、Z30i都支持100%的sRGB色域,Z30i还支持100%的Adobe RGB。


HP Z Displays provide excellent image accuracy

Adding to the company's line of professional displays, the new HP Z27i and Z30i IPS Displays are ideal for designers, content creators and knowledge workers across the enterprise who need outstanding image accuracy, exceptional adjustability and mission-critical reliability optimized for professionals.

The new displays provide excellent coverage of the sRGB color space-the standard color space for the web, and for the majority of engineering, creative and professional applications-with the HP Z27i and Z30i both offering 100 percent coverage. The HP Z30i also covers 100 percent of the Adobe® RGB color space, commonly used in photography and digital prepress workflows.

Built with IPS Gen 2 panels, HP Z Displays deliver a power savings of up to 37 percent compared to HP's first-generation IPS technology products, yet still deliver the same excellent color accuracy across wide viewing angles as compared with IPS Gen 1. The HP Z Displays are ENERGY STAR® qualified and EPEAT® Gold registered. Both displays feature an HP four-way adjustable stand that includes the HP QR2 quick release and both are TCO Certified. To free up valuable desk space, an HP Thin Client Mount Kit also is available for both the HP Z27i and Z30i, allowing users to securely mount an HP Thin Client or Ultra Slim desktop to the back of the display.

· The HP Z27i is planned to be available in October starting at $729, and the HP Z30i Display is available today starting at $1,329.
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帖子: 132
注册时间: 2012年 1月 31日 21:49 星期二

Re: 惠普的Z27i、Z30i显示器

帖子 wenliping1981 » 2013年 9月 26日 23:04 星期四

有图吗?是不是窄边框呢? :012: :012: :012: :012:
